• Droit,

[Conférence] Rendez-vous européens du droit international privé et comparé

Publié le 21 novembre 2023 Mis à jour le 21 novembre 2023
RDV européens
RDV européens

Sous la direction scientifique de Jeremy HEYMANN, Professeur de droit privé, Directeur du CREDIP, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3

Private International Law and Conflicts of Worldviews : A Decolonial Approach

Guest Lecturer at UC Louvain

Sandrine Brachotte obtained her doctorate in law in May 2022 from the Institut d’Etudes Politiques (IEP -Sciences Po) in Paris. Her thesis, supervised by Horatia Muir Watt, is entitled « The Conflict of Laws and Nonsecular Worldviews : A Proposal for Inclusion ». She is currently a guest lecturer at UCLouvain (Campus Saint-Louis, Brussels) and co-responsible for the bibliographic section of the Revue critique de droit international privé. Sandrine holds a Master’s degree in Public Law from UL (2011) and a European Master in Human Rights and Democratisation (E.MA Master) from the European Inter University Centre (EIUC) (2012), and was admitted to the Brussels Bar in 2015.


Consumer Online Dispute Resolution Pathways in Europe : An analysis into standards for access and procedural justice in online dispute resolution procedures

Assistant Professor at Utrecht University Molengraaf Instituut

Emma van Gelder (Utrecht University) is an Assistant Professor at Utrecht University, Molengraaff Instituut. She undertook her legal studies at Utrecht University, achieving her master’s degree in legal research (July 2017, cum laude). During her master’s program, Emma worked as a trainee at the European Court of Auditors, contributing to research centred around accountability and enforcement. She pursued her Ph.D. at Erasmus University Rotterdam and has been a visiting Ph.D. researcher at the University of Oxford. Her doctoral research delved into online dispute resolution for consumers, exploring its role in enhancing consumers’access to justice in the EU. Her work particularly focuses on procedural standards aimed at ensuring consumers’ access to fair ODR procedures in Europe, informed by both theoretical and empirical legal studies.