Le Département d'études politiques européennes et de gouvernance du Collège d'Europe accueillera une conférence du groupe de réflexion franco-allemand sur l'avenir des institutions de l'UE (également connu sous le nom de groupe des 12).
Le rapport original est disponible
9h00-9h30 - Welcome / Coffee
9h30-12h30 - First session – Chair: Karine Caunes
9h30-9h50 - Opening: Federica Mogherini, Rector of the College of Europe
9h50-10h10 - Presentation of the Report, Olivier Costa and Daniela Schwarzer
10h10-10h30 - General comments, Students of the Department of European Political and Governance Studies
10h30-10h50 - Protecting the Rule of Law, Gaëlle Marti and Thu Nguyen
Discussant: Inge Govaere
10h50-11h10 - Size and organization of the European Commission, Sophia Russack and Christine Verger
Discussant: Manuel Szapiro
11h10-11h30 - Moving towards more Qualified Majority Voting, Nicolai von Ondarza and Shahin Vallée
Discussant: Jean-Paul Jacqué
11h30-11h50 - Coffee break
11h50-12h10 - Enhancing EU Democracy, Christine Verger and Sophia Russack
Discussant: Olivier Rozenberg
12h10-12h30 - Promoting probity and transparency, Olivier Costa
Discussant: Alberto Alemanno
12h30-14h00 - Lunch break
14h00-17h30 - Second Session : Chair – Olivier Costa
14h00-14h20 - EU Powers and Competences, Franz Mayer and Nicolaï von Ondarza
Discussant: Ségolène Barbou des Places
14h20-14h40 - EU Resources, Thu Nguyen and Shahin Vallée
Discussant : Anne Vitrey
14h40-15h00 - Options for Treaty change, Franz Mayer, Pervenche Bérès and Gaëlle Marti
Discussant: Dominique Ritleng
15h00-15h20 - Coffee break
15h20-15h40 - Towards more Differentiation, Daniela Schwarzer and Funda Tekin
Discussant: Teuta Vodo
15h40-16h00 - Managing the Enlargement Process, Pervenche Berès and Funda Tekin
Discussant: Pierre Mirel
16h00-16h20 - Perspectives for the European Political Community, Gilles Gressani
Discussant: Erwan Lannon
16h20-17h00 - Round-table: What’s next?
Chair: Gaëlle Marti
Alberto Alemanno, Ségolène Barbou des Places, Inge Govaere, Jean-Paul Jacqué, Erwan Lannon, Pierre Mirel, Dominique Ritleng, Olivier Rozenberg, Manuel Szapiro, Anne Vitrey and Teuta Vodo