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Franco-British Lawyers Society Academic Prize 2018

Publié le 12 janvier 2018 Mis à jour le 17 janvier 2018
University of Essex
University of Essex

Le double diplôme de droits français et anglais L-M1/LLB a remporté le Franco-British Lawyers Society Academic Prize 2018.

Ce cursus vient de se voir décerner le Franco-British Lawyers Society Academic Prize 2018.
Le prix sera remis officiellement à l’université d’Essex le 29 janvier prochain.

Les prix du Franco-British Lawyers Society Academic Prize 2018 :

“Since 2012, the aim of both these prizes (the UK Academic Award for the UK ; Le Prix Universitaire Robertson- Horsington for France) has been to reward universities offering joint-degree programmes which promote Franco-British legal understanding. Such study programmes merit both recognition and support for they enable law students, academics , lawyers and judges from both sides of the Channel to work together and to understand and appreciate both the Common Law and Civil Law legal systems and the very different methods of legal reasoning on which they are based.

The UK Academic Prize : The amount of the award is usually £1500. The recipient university undertakes to set up a fund and to award two prizes of £250 or one prize of £500 each year, for three consecutive years, to students who are to be chosen for their academic excellence but also for their strong motivation to help advance Franco-British legal understanding and relations.”

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