• Droit,
  • Manifestations scientifiques,

[LES CONFERENCES EN ANGLAIS DU LL.M] "Extra territorial IP enforcement in the digital age"

Publié le 15 février 2023 Mis à jour le 8 mars 2023
Conférence LL.M
Conférence LL.M

Sous la direction scientifique de Pascal KAMINA, Professeur à l'Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3, Directeur du Centre Paul Roubier, membre de l'équipe Louis Josserand et Nicolas BOUCHE, Maître de conférences à l'Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3, Directeur du Master Propriété intellectuelle

A l'invitation de :
Lukasz STANKIEWICZ, Professeur à l'Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3, Directeur du LL.M

As digital technology and new business methodologies shrink the distance between companies and their customers, it is increasingly common for commercial activities to be extraterritorial in nature, conflicting with the territorial limit of IP enforcement which is one of the fundamental principles of international intellectual property law. In response, the courts of numerous countries have created judicial exceptions to the principle of territoriality and have applied their national-level statutes and laws to protect IP rights originating from within their country’s IP regime. One such exception is the doctrine of divided infringement, in which courts find infringement of their national patents even if a feature or step of the patented product or process is located beyond their territorial borders. At this conference, US and Japanese speakers will discuss recent cases on divided infringement and examine strategies to take advantage of the extraterritorial enforcement of US and Japanese patents.

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Partenaires :
Centre Paul Roubier   Centre de Droit de l'entreprise
Thématiques :
Droit; Manifestations scientifiques