11100294 - English for criminal law

Niveau de diplôme
Volume horaire total 10
Volume horaire CM 10



De quoi parlera-t-on ?

The main purpose of the English classes is for students to develop a good understanding of the English legal system and strengthen their knowledge of English for criminal law. Students will be able to examine several aspects of criminal law (offences, criminal procedure and sanctions) in the common law system as it is applied in England and Wales.

Pourquoi est-ce important d’en parler ?

The classes are designed to provide students with the linguistic tools and legal knowledge that are deemed useful to their diploma and future professional careers.

Comment comprendre aisément ce dont il sera question ?

Les étudiants devront avoir pris connaissance de l’ouvrage ci-dessous avant le cours.
Marion Charret-Del Bove, Malcolm Harvey, Catherine Kirby-Légier. Droit anglais et droit américain (English and U.S. Law) : cours et exercices corrigés. Armand Colin, 2011.

Plan du cours

Part I: Categories of offences in English criminal law
1. 1 Summary offences
1.2 Indictable (only) offences
1.3 Triable ‘either-way’ offences

Part II: Key principles of English criminal procedure
2.1 Steps of the criminal proceedings
The charging process
The prosecuting process
2.2 Plea-bargaining
2.3 Private prosecutions

Part III: Where a prosecution succeeds: sentencing in English criminal law
3.1 Non-custodial sentences
3.2 Custodial sentences